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Get all apps from Intune packaged by WinTuner

Load apps from Tenant and filter based on Update available.\r\n\r\nThis is an authenticated command, so call Connect-WtWinTuner before calling this command.


Default parameter set (default)

Get-WtWin32Apps [-Update <Boolean>] [-Superseded <Boolean>] [-Superseding <Boolean>]
-UpdateBooleanFilter based on UpdateAvailable
-SupersededBooleanFilter based on SupersedingAppCount
-SupersedingBooleanFilter based on SupersedingAppCount


Get all apps with updates

Get all apps that have updates available

Get-WtWin32Apps -Update $true

Update apps

Get all apps that have be an update available and are not superseeded. This executes the New-WtWingetPackage command. You could run this on a weekly bases.

$updatedApps = Get-WtWin32Apps -Update $true -Superseded $false
foreach($app in $updatedApps) { New-WtWingetPackage -PackageId $($app.PackageId) -PackageFolder $rootPackageFolder -Version $($app.LatestVersion) | Deploy-WtWin32App -GraphId $($app.GraphId) }

Remove superseeded apps

Get all apps that have been superseeded and remove them. This executes the Remove-WtWin32App command. You could run this on a weekly bases.

$oldApps = Get-WtWin32Apps -Superseded $true
foreach($app in $oldApps) { Remove-WtWin32App -AppId $app.GraphId }