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WinTuner is an app that packages, and deploys third party apps to Intune. It's completely open-source so you could verify what is does and you can even improve it yourself.

WinTuner PowerShell

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WinTuner started as a cli built in C#, but we are pleased to announce there is also a PowerShell module available. This module is a PowerShell module that calls the same code as the cli, but then from PowerShell. This makes it easier to integrate in your own scripts and workflows. And easier for administrators to install.

Install WinTuner PowerShell

WinTuner CLI

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WinTuner is also available as cli but the main development efforts are now focused on the PowerShell module. The CLI is still available, but we recommend using the PowerShell module.

Install WinTuner CLI

WinTuner C# library

We are working hard to also provide you with a library, so you can easily start packaging apps right from your own C# application. This is not yet available to download, so you'll have to wait a little bit longer.