📄️ Installation
PowerShell gallery version
📄️ Authentication
To talk to Intune, authentication is required.
📄️ Connect-WtWinTuner
Connect to Intune
📄️ Disconnect-WtWinTuner
Clear authentication data from module
📄️ Remove-WtWin32App
Remove an app from Intune
📄️ Search-WtWinGetPackage
Search for packages in WinGet
📄️ New-WtWingetPackage
Create intunewin file from Winget installer
📄️ Deploy-WtWin32App
Create a Win32Lob app in Intune
📄️ Get-WtWin32Apps
Get all apps from Intune packaged by WinTuner
📄️ Update-WtIntuneApp
Update an app in Intune
📄️ Deploy-WtMsStoreApp
Create a MsStore app in Intune
📄️ Test-WtIntuneWin
Test if a package will install
📄️ Test-WtSetupFile
Test your silent install switches
📄️ Get-WtToken
Get a token for graph
🗃️ ContentPrep
2 items