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Create an WinGetApp in Intune from a store package id. This is an authenticated command, so specify the parameters to authenticate.

Package ID

Deploy an app to Intune by specifying the package ID of the app in the Microsoft Store.

Deploy-WtMsStoreApp [-PackageId] <String> <AuthenticationParameters> [-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>] [<CommonParameters>]
-PackageId9NZVDKPMR9RDThe ID of the app in the Microsoft store
<Authentication>The authentication parameters.

Search query

Deploy an app to Intune by searching for packages and pick the first one, uses carefully!

Deploy-WtMsStoreApp (search)
Deploy-WtMsStoreApp [-SearchQuery] <String> <AuthenticationParameters> [-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>] [<CommonParameters>]
-SearchQueryMozilla FireFoxSearch query for the store
<Authentication>The authentication parameters.


The output of this command is a SearchQuery object. You can use this object to further manipulate the app in Intune. Or to save the ID for later use.