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Update an application details in Intune. This is an authenticated command, so specify the parameters to authenticate.


Update-WtIntuneApp (basic)
Update-WtIntuneApp -AppId <string>
[-AvailableFor <String[]>] [-Categories <String[]>] [-RequiredFor <String[]>] [-UninstallFor <String[]>]
[-EnableAutoUpdate <Boolean>] <AuthenticationParameters> [-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>] [<CommonParameters>]
-AppId"1aec0c33-34f4-4d8b-a025-65c90a229bc2"Win32LobApp object.
-AvailableFor"1aec0c33-34f4-4d8b-a025-65c90a229bc2"The list of groups that the app is available for (see assignments).
-RequiredFor"1aec0c33-34f4-4d8b-a025-65c90a229bc2"The list of groups that the app is required for (see assignments).
-UninstallFor"1aec0c33-34f4-4d8b-a025-65c90a229bc2"The list of groups that the app is uninstalled for (see assignments).
-Categories"Productivity"List of categories this app should be in.
-EnableAutoUpdate$trueEnable auto update if this app is assigned as available
<Authentication>The authentication parameters.


The AvailableFor, RequiredFor and UninstallFor parameters require the group IDs, or you can use AllDevices or AllUsers to target all devices or users.


Update-WtIntuneApp assign to a group and add to a category
Update-WtIntuneApp -AppId "1aec0c33-34f4-4d8b-a025-65c90a229bc2" -Categories "Productivity" -AvailableFor "1aec0c33-34f4-4d8b-a025-65c90a229bc2" -EnableAutoUpdate $true -Username ""
Update-WtIntuneApp assign to all users
Update-WtIntuneApp -AppId "1aec0c33-34f4-4d8b-a025-65c90a229bc2" -AvailableFor "AllUsers" -EnableAutoUpdate $true -Username ""